Thursday, August 22, 2013


Tranque is a term that most Panamanians use when there is so much traffic. Your stuck in a tranque or you know not to leave around 5pm because you won't get home till about 7-7:30.  This week has been pretty amazing and really hectic. It feels that i'm stuck in a tranque most of my day and know that even if I am just waiting, God shows the way.

As I have said, I will be a science teacher at the Instituto Episcopal San Cristobal for the next semester. I will be teaching 8th grade and 9th grade.Working with kids has been probably a comfort zone for me and makes me feel right at home. I really appreciate my mentor or teacher that has helped me get through this hectic week. Since the schools in Panama for by trimesters, testing will take place next week and and the students will have a two week break and will come back for the last semester. Please keep the students, teachers, administrators, and the school in your prayers as they will need it for this coming week.

On Sunday, I had the best greeting that any other person can have. It started with me thinking what I should wear to church. If you see me at church, you should know that I really just put a polo and jeans and get my prayer on. The church that I went to is called Inglesia San Mateo. It has no more then 70 members and about 6 acolytes. The service is in English and Spanish and to top it off Rev. Glenda is my priest. Members were just happy to have another young adult coming to the church and greeted me with so much love and joy.

I also had the joy of seeing a band practice on Sunday and giving us a show at the end. I do want to say that with all the tranque that Panamanians go through, I do see a smile on each face. Tranque may be a car jam and we all may experience it back in the states, but in Panama people sit through it for about 4 hours or more. God shows them the light at the end of the road and everyday that I wake up, I see that with everyone living here.

Below are some pictures to recap this post.

These are the elementary students participating in folklore week. 

The bulletin for my church service. 

The view of the church but mostly the alter. 

This is in front of the church.